Lesson 12: Don’t risk your reputation: secure your capital calls

Cybersecurity around capital calls

The number of cyberattacks on capital calls is increasing, proving the traditional way of sending capital calls through email with a PDF attached is no longer secure.

In 2021, Private Equity fundraising amounted to €118 billion euros.1 With such a significant amount transacted, the increasing cyberattacks should push fund managers to secure their process.


How can PE Cube help?

By digitalising your fund management with PE Cube, adopt a secure way process of conducting capital calls and distributions.

Moreover, the software automates the generation of operation letters and completes an operation campaign in just 5 steps.

Book a demo to learn more about the process used to be PE Cube to secure your operations.

Why wait any longer? It is time to secure your fund management and meet your investors’ security expectations as they trust you with their most confidential data.

  1. https://www.investeurope.eu/research/activity-data/
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